Autor(es): Martha Terán Resumen: Abstract: This paper shows how the devotion to the Virgin of Guadalupe spread out along the provinces that shaped the bishoprie of Michoacán during the viceroyship between the turn of the 17th century and the beginning of … Sigue leyendo
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Autor(es): Andrey Schelchkov Resumen: Abstract: He was an extraordinary character who played a leading role in one of the most passionate pages of the Bolivian history, that deserves the attention of not only the Bolivian historians, but of all Latin American … Sigue leyendo
Autor(es): Julia Tuñón Resumen: Abstract: Cinematographic representation of poverty and social classes has conditioned the Mexican imaginary in these subjects throughout the xxth Century. Ismael Rodríguez’ trilogy (Nosotros los pobres, Ustedes los ricos and Pepe el Toro), melodramas of big and … Sigue leyendo
Autor(es): Álvaro Recio Resumen: Abstract: The analysis of the development and publication of the second guild ordinances of Mexico City coachbuilders in 1773 and their reform in 1785 offers a privileged perspective of the evolution of this group in eighteenth-century New … Sigue leyendo
Autor(es): Sergio Francisco Rosas Resumen: Abstract: The objective of this article is to analyze the funeral of José María Becerra y Jiménez, bishop of Puebla, held on December 21, 1854. I attempt to show how that act of mourning turned into … Sigue leyendo
Autor(es): Emma Rivas Resumen: Abstract: Cultural and intellectual circumstances in the second half of the nineteenth century in Spain led to the establishment of agreements in the world of letters that permitted the culmination of several collaborative projects forged within the … Sigue leyendo
Autor(es): Fabio Luis Barbosa Resumen: Abstract:This essay relates the development of Mexican liberals in exile, headed by Ricardo Flores Magón —the main radical opponent to Porfirio Díaz until the Mexican Revolution— with the concrete political experience of the pre-revolutionary period. … Sigue leyendo
Autor(es): Seminario de Fuentes Indígenas Resumen: Abstract:The objective of this article is to pay tribute to a friend and colleague Perla Valle with whom we shared a seminar on indigenous culture. Its main aim is to reveal and comment on … Sigue leyendo
Autor(es): Marcela Dávalos Resumen: Abstract: The Indian Court (Juzgado de Indios) was a privileged place that considered not only literate, but also illiterate subjects as well. It was an agency erudite by axiom where “practices observed” prevailed and for the abundant … Sigue leyendo
Autor(es): Rafael Patrón-Sarti Resumen: Abstract:This essay offers enough documents to prove that the University of Mérida, in Yucatán, reunited three requirements to be considered so: it was founded by competent authorities, it counted with Royal and Vatican privileges and it … Sigue leyendo