Autor(es): William Beik

Autor(es): EugenWeber

Resumen: Reseñas a: Peter Burke: Popular Culture in Early Modem Europe, New York University Press, Nueva York, 1978, a Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie: Montaillou: The Promised Land of Error, Géorge Braziller, Nueva York, 1978, a Pierre.Jakez Hélias: The Horse of Pride, Life in a Breton Village, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1978 y a John Lough: Writer and Public in France. From the Middle Ages to the Present Day, Oxford University Press, Oxford y Nueva York, 1978. Tomado de Joumal of the History ofIcLea., vol. XL (3), jul-sep de 1979, pp. 481-490. Traducción de Isabel

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